The reader replied:
I just sent a bunch of pictures. Let me know if you recieve . There are definetly holes where screws of some sort went. Wooden stakes? Metal stakes?
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---------------------Our Reply---------------------
That is sweet, even with the damage. Don't suppose you rescued the storage/shipping crate(s), too?
So glad you rescued this set. Most of the survivors are the smaller versions.
The original stakes were wooden. Some folks who have the REALLY big reindeer sets have used metal fence posts. But for this set wooden stakes would be fine. Probably 1"x2" sharpened to a point. "Doc" used wood that had been aged so it wouldn't warp, but I think I would try ordinary white pine (cheap) and see how that worked out.
Just cut them at an angle like tomato stakes.
You'll want to get them down 12" minimum, 18" if you can. - Paul