A reader writes:
Hello, I have been collecting Christmas lights and am now curious to see their history. I have a small wall mounted tree with candle screw in bulbs that I would love to date. 5 lights and the cutest blue two pin plug. Plug about 1/2inch and the tree about 10 inches. Thank you and appreciate the work that has gone into the data that has answered so many of my questions.
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If you could send me a photo of your tree, we might be able to tell you more about it. Also, my resident expert on this sort of thing is Fred Fox, who sells vintage Christmas decorations at the following site.
http://www.blujay.com/?page=profile&pro ... e=noel-katI'm copying Fred on your note so if you hit "reply all" and send the photo, he'll get it too.
Here's a voltage question - does this run on 110 or 220 volt?
Looking forward to hearing from you,