Plywood Sled Question
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Author:  paulrace [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Plywood Sled Question

A reader writes:

I'm a little confused by your website.....sorry. I'm looking for "plans" on how to build a Santa sleigh from pallets or plywood. Simple design. Do you have this?


Thanks for getting in touch. At the moment, I don't have plans for building a sleigh from plywood. In fact I never advertised having plans. But so many people have "borrowed" my graphic to use to make and sell their own plans that my photos are showing up when you google "plywood sleigh plans" or anything like that. I suppose I should be flattered.

I tried to click on the sites that use my graphic to show what their plans will supposedly build, so I could just send you to those sites. But A: They all charge for their plans, which would be fair if they hadn't all obviously copied them from the same few sources, and B: a lot of those sites are so full of viruses that my virus-checker won't let me click on them. :-(

Is this something you'd like to get out of a single sheet of plywood? Or you would like to have a certain size (say big enough for a life-sized santa)?

If I have a chance I will put something together for you. Sorry for the confusion - I didn't cause it intentionally, but I may be able to help alleviate it. :-)

Also, how are you fixed for reindeer plans? Do you have a preference of a particular style of reindeer cutout?

Have a great day,

Author:  paulrace [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plywood Sled Question

Jennifer, I just found this plan in my archives - someone sent it to me sometime back. I have not assembled this, and I'm not entirely sure where it came from, but maybe it will help.

Best of luck,

Paul Race

plan_image_pi_2001.pdf [768.06 KiB]
Downloaded 1281 times

Here's an additional instruction file that was included with the article above:

Plan image Sled additional instructions.pdf [13.19 KiB]
Downloaded 1164 times

Author:  paulrace [ Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Plywood Sled Question

Another reader writes:

I love your website. I was looking at your outdoor decorations page and love your plywood reindeer and sled but I don't see the plans on how to make them. Would you be willing to share them. You've spent a lot of time putting together the information on this site and it brought back a lot of memories for me from my childhood. My parents and grandparents were both big into Christmas train gardens and also the original bubble light trees. So many people have never heard of them today. It was really great reading about them. Thank you for putting this together! Happy Holidays!

---------Our response---------------

Tammy, thanks for getting in touch. The plywood reindeer and sled setup was by a friend of a friend and I don't have plans. However, someone else asked me recently if I had plans for the sleigh. Since I like the sleigh a lot, I worked up a drawing of the sides. Sorry it's not the complete answer, and I don't have measurements on the sled I drew, but maybe it will get you started.

Best of luck - Paul

sleigh_plans_not_to_scale.pdf [11.44 KiB]
Downloaded 1124 times

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