Unsubscribe - Trains and Towns(tm)

The Trains and Towns mailing list is available on an "opt-in" basis only. We use the list to help people who are trying to learn about or get started with trains, especially trains that are O scale or larger. In fact, we develop a personal (if long-distance) relationship with many of the people on our list, as we all help each other build the hobby. We certainly don't want to force that on anybody.

In other words, if you're on this list it's likely that you, or someone with access to your e-mail account asked to be put on this list, or on the Big Christmas Trains(tm) mailing list that preceded it. But all you have to do to get off is ask.

The quickest way to unsubscribe is to enter the e-mail you want to unsubscribe into the following form and click on the gray "submit query" box. Your name and any comments are totally optional, but appreciated.

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If you'd like to ask any questions or tell us why you are unsubscribing, please type into the following box. (This is optional, but we will read it. )

If you would rather contact us in writing, please contact us through:

Either way, we certainly hope that all is well with you and your family, and we will still be glad to hear from you and to answer any questions that come up.




To return to the Family Garden Trains Home Page, click here.

Reading Index Pages
Buyer's Guide Pages
Return to Home page Garden Railroading Primer Articles: All about getting a Garden Railroad up and running well
Family Garden Trains Archive Articles: Other miscellaneous articles about garden railroading
Garden Train Store: Index to train, track, and other products for Garden RailroadingBig Christmas Trains: Directory of Large Scale and O Scale trains with holiday themes
O Scale (Indoor) Display Trains, Includes Collectible Trains and Thomas Kinkade Trains

Note: Family Garden Trains(tm), Garden Train Store(tm), and Big Christmas Trains(tm) are trademarks of Breakthrough Communications(tm) (www.btcomm.com). All information, data, text, and illustrations on this web site are Copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Paul D. Race. Reuse or republication without prior written permission is specifically forbidden.
Family Christmas Online(tm) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.

For more information, please contact us.